Prevention, Acute Care, Healing of Tick Bites
My intention is to support individuals to feel empowered to face ticks and the dis-eases they share with humans. I share best practices from my own life and from the lives of people close to me who have suffered and thrived while living with Tick Borne Illnesses.
Symptoms and changes can come on fast or change slowly, often mistaken for other problems
Stage 1 “migrating”- flu-like symptoms with fever- mild to severe; with or without bullseye rash or other rash
Stage 2 “colonizing” – muscle aches, fatigue, painful or swollen joints, old injuries act up, pains moving around
Stage 3 “settled in” or “late stage” – chronic fatigue, neurological or cognitive issues, focus, switching gears, multi-tasking, word/memory recall; severe pain, depression and even psychosis
“chronic” – cyclical or stress-related flare-ups; symptoms may continue after ABX use; brain fog; electro sensitivities; auto-immune disorders; thyroid, digestive, heart problems, and the list goes on
What do WE do about it?
Be Prepared
Create a personalized plan for dealing with Acute Lyme
Make a Tick Kit
Get to know the medicines that can help you
Get to know your body
Share Information
Talk to friends and neighbors
Share stories
Watch the film “Under Our Skin”
Prevention and Healing
*Many of these herbs/preparations can be sourced from me*
Keep Ticks away:
~ Spraying pant legs with ACV-based tick repellant
~ wearing tall boots
~Drinking Cistus incanus tea has been shown to repel ticks.
~Wear fewer clothes and you are more likely to feel them crawling
~Unshaven legs/body are more likely to sense them crawling
External response to a Tick Bite
~Remove the tick ASAP as gently as possible. Use a Tick Twister ™
~Cleanse the bite with Tea Tree/Lavender EO blend or Antiseptic Liniment
~Apply Plantain Leaf, Monarda Fistulosa, Echinacea poultice (fresh or dried) to the bite and change every 2 hours for 1 day and 2-3x/day for 3-7 days.
~Apply Teasel Root, Propolis, and/or Echinacea Tincture to the bite 2-3x/day.
The external protocol should be continued for at least 5 days and until there is no redness related to an infection in the area of the bite.
Acute Internal Response to a Tick Bite
~Teasel Root tincture (young adults and adults): take 5-10 drops 3x/day.
~ Echinacea Tincture (child): Take 5 drops 3x/day.
~ Sweet Annie and Tansy Tincture (adult): 15-30 drops 3x/day
~Tulsi (child): 5 drops 3x/day.
~Eleuthero (adult): 10-20 drops 3x/day
The internal protocol should be used for 5 days. and longer depending on how long the tick was attached and what kinds of symptoms surface.
This protocol is NOT for everyone. If any of these do not feel good for you, please do not use it. Ask your body and the plant for permission to use it. And listen. If you have questions or concerns, please talk to an herbalist. I am available for phone consultations about this protocol, including with help sourcing herbs.
If your symptoms worsen or persist longer than 10 days, you should consult a clinical herbalist or holistic practitioner with experience in treating Tick Borne Illnesses.
Chronic Lyme:
Tick borne spirochete is only one of many factors that leads to discomfort. Other factors include immune system stress, adrenal fatigue, mineral depletion, mineral and/or environmental toxicity, and more.
The Spirochetes exacerbate an unbalanced bioterrain.
Physical ways to bring the body into balance
Integrative Therapy = Diet + Herbs + Exercise + Lifestyle
Focus on vegetables, protein and healthy fats (animal fats from animals raised in their natural environments, olive oil)
Reduce Inflammation in the body
Decrease grain, sugars, processed foods, peanuts, soy, canola oil
Keto Diet & Paleo Diet
Seaweeds & Wild Foods
Fermented Foods- rebuild intestinal microflora
TBI Herbs for strengthening immune response and for supporting the body in purging of the spirochete(s)
Astragulus- immune tonic; strengthens life force; do NOT use in initial stage of infection; adaptogenic
Black Walnut- anti-parasitic
Boneset- reoccurring fever, night sweats, loss of energy
Cat’s Claw- tonic; anti-inflammatory(use with lemon juice)
Echinacea- alterative; use internally and externally
Eleuthero- adaptogen for adrenal support; for fatigue; best if used over time
Japanese Knotweed- immune modulator, anti-inflammatory (esp joints), anti-candida; enhances actions of other herbs and drugs, including anti-biotics
Propolis- antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral; helps restore energy
Red Root- move Lymph and wastes, esp with anti-biotics; support Liver & Spleen
Reishi- immune tonic; adaptogen; do NOT use during early stage of infection
Sweet Annie- anti-parasitic, ant-spirochetal, anti-viral, anti-fungal; use for 3-5 days only (if longer, use with grapefruit juice)
Teasel- supports kidneys in flushing toxins; use early on for acute case; use for 4-6 months or longer for chronic case
Tansy- anti-parasitic
Brain/Memory specific herbs
Gotu Kola
Other Herbs supporting health and wellness
Ashwaganda- adaptogenic and tonic; brings energy back; adrenal support; reduces stress and helps with insomnia (not for over-heated people or menopausal women)
Burdock Root- detox herb for multiple organs, alterative
Chickweed- lymphatic for all phases of TB Illnesses; cooling; for heat and anger; medicinal food- eat leaves; for fat metabolism and fatty cysts
Dandelion Root- supports liver
Hawthorne- heart tonic; supports grieving
Horsetail- silica-rich; mineral rich
Marshmallow- soothes mucus membranes, esp. digestion; food- eat leaves/flowers
Motherwort- nervous system tonic; thyroid regulation; sedative; heart tonic
Nettle- tonic; mineral rich; protein rich; anti-histamine
Purslane- garden weed; rich in Omega 3’s; food medicine- eat stems and leaves
Skullcap- calming- for people who are too active; supporting falling asleep
Turmeric- anti-inflammatory
Stress reduction and stress management
Body Work, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, Cranial Sacral
Sauna and Heat Therapy
Hugs, physical touch
Self Love and Care
Living the Life you were born to live
Giving yourself permission to be happy, well and feel appreciated
Lymelighter’s Café - Jacobs, Carol – out-of-pring, self-published manual (to borrow a copy, email Monarda)
Healing Lyme - Buhner, Stephen
Healing Lyme Disease Naturally – Storl, Wolf D
Herbal Antibiotics – Buhner, Stephen
Online: International Lyme and Associated Disease Society Title of the Film
Dancing Monarda
Offering classes, parties and consultations in the Open Heart Economy:
~Wild edible and medicinal plant identification and preparation
~Holistic and sacred childbirth and post partum support
~Holistic wellness consultations (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, sexual health)
~Medicine growing
[email protected]